junio 15, 2009

Definiciones para una generación

HISTORICAL UNDERDOSING: To live in a period of time when nothing seems to happen. Major symptoms include addiction to newspapers, magazines, and TV news broadcasts.

HISTORICAL OVERDOSING: To live in a period of time when too much seems to happen. Major symptoms include addiction to newspapers, magazines, and TV news broadcasts.

CLIQUE MAINTENANCE: The need of one generation to see the generation following it as deficient so as to bolster its own collective ego: "Kids today do nothing. They're so apathetic. We used to go out and protest. All they do is shop and complain."

BAMBIFICATION: The mental conversion of flesh and blood living creatures into cartoon characters possessing bourgeois Judeo-Christian attitudes and morals.

MENTAL GROUND ZERO: The location where one visualizes oneself during the dropping of the atomic bomb; frequently, a shopping mall.

ULTRA SHORT TERM NOSTALGIA: Homesickness for the extremely recent past: "God, things seemed so much better in the world last week."

OPTION PARALYSIS: The tendency, when given unlimited choices, to make none.

FAME-INDUCED APATHY: The attitude that no activity is worth pursuing unless one can become very famous pursuing it. Fame-induced Apathy mimics laziness, but its roots are much deeper.

DORIAN GRAYING: The unwillingness to gracefully allow one's body to show signs of aging.

AIR FAMILY: Describes the false sense of community experienced among coworkers in an office environment.

TELE-PARABLIZING: Morals used in everyday life that derive from TV sitcom plots: "That's just like the episode where Jan lost her glasses!"

Douglas Coupland
Generation X, Tales for an accelerated culture

(Se respetó el idioma original para que no se perdiera su sentido en la traducción. Si no entendió un pito, use un traductor online. No le aseguramos que vaya a entender mucho más, pero siempre es bueno intentar.)

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